Mum & Baby Wellness Mornings
A morning of yoga, conversation, music and meditation, for you and your little one.
Creech St Michael Village Hall
22 April
There are currently no wellness mornings in the diary. To register your interest for the next one, please email me.
This is a jam-packed wellness morning aiming to make mums and your young babies have fun and feel good!
We do a yoga practice for mums (entertaining our little ones at the same time), a baby yoga session, some breathing exercises, some singing, and a baby-friendly meditation session.
We also have some honest conversations together - woman to woman. We talk about how we are coping as mothers, and I share important information regarding postnatal health and wellbeing that often gets overlooked; covering topics such as abdominal separation, the pelvic floor and scar massaging. We also discuss wellness and self-care in motherhood.
I provide yoga mats as well as some drinks and snacks.
Please scroll down for FAQs
Please get in touch if you have any questions.

How soon after I give birth can I join this workshop?
If you had a straightforward vaginal birth, you can join the class six weeks after your baby was born if you feel ready to do so.
If you had a c-section, please wait at least 12 weeks before joining the class. You just had major surgery and you need to give yourself time to heal properly.
If you are unsure when to join, just send me a message and we can chat it through.
What aged babies are suitable?
From when you are ready after birth (see above) up until baby is a confident crawler. Once baby is crawling around then you will spend the whole time chasing them around and you wouldn't be able to get the most out of the class.
What do I need to wear and bring?
Wear something you can move freely and feel comfortable in. Leggings/ joggers and a loose top are a good option. Bare feet is preferable so you don't slip.
What should I bring along to the workshop?
A blanket for your baby to lie on
A water bottle to keep you hydrated
What if I need to feed or change my baby during class?
That is very much expected! Just do whatever you need to do, when you need to do it. There are baby changing facilities in the toilets, though most people just bring a change bag and change baby in the hall.
What if I'm running late?
Don't worry at all. Just come when you can and you'll be welcomed warmly when you get here!
What if my baby is due a sleep during the session?
That is very expected - a lot of babies will have a snooze at some point over the session. If baby is sleeping during the adult yoga - lucky you! You get to focus fully on your breath and your body. If baby is sleeping during the baby yoga sessions then I will suggest some adult yoga moves for you to be doing while the rest of the group is doing baby yoga. There's likely to be a few of you doing them!
Image of lady in flowers by jcomp on Freepik